The Advanced Technique is offered to Vedic Meditators who have been meditating consistantly for the last 12 months. 

In Vedic Meditation, an Advanced Technique is designed to take one’s awareness to that stratum, that layer of consciousness, that comprises the interface between thinking and pure silent consciousness. In short, it allows the meditator to integrate that elusive, deeply charming state that we slip into in our deepest meditations, into every moment of our awakened state. A good analogy for how an Advanced Technique supports us in our evolution is a car shifting from a low gear to a higher gear to gain speed. We can get where we need to go in first gear, but it will take much longer than if we shifted to a higher gear.

At the first session you receive the adjustment to your Mantra.  The second session is to validate and verify your practice and explain in depth the deeper levels of consciousness called "Ritam" expressive of "whole truth".  In your practice so far, your mantra has taken you to the subtle levels of “Being” and begun the clearing out of stress from the body.  With the new mantra the purpose is to keep releasing stress and to experience the most subtle levels “Ritam” where you will have the state of the Absolute along with the Relative. This state will give you a different experience within meditation and heighten your senses and awareness of the subtle levels outside of meditation.

Advanced Technique Course:
The course runs over two days -1 ½ hours each session
Day 1 – Initiation and Advanced Technique held privately at times to be arranged.
Day 2  –Ten days after Initiation - Validation & Verification of your practise.

Fee: $440 

Bookings Contact Liz -
0425 392 630