Once you have attended the free Introductory talk there is a course of instructions held over four consecutive days plus two further sessions. Each session lasting 90 minutes.
Courses are held at day or evening times arranged at the Introduction Talk to suit your schedule.
Day time course - Tuesday to Friday 10am to 11.30am
Evening time course - Tuesday to Friday 7pm to 8.30pm
Weekend time - Thursday to Sunday or Friday to Monday
Session 1- Runs for approximately one hour when you receive a mantra and then the basic instruction of how to meditate. By the end of the session you know the fundamentals of the technique and are able to practice on your own at home.
Session 2, 3 and 4 -lasting 90 minutes each session. At these session the technique is further refined and experiences are verified and validated. By the end of the course you will be a proficient meditator and will be able to continue your practice on your own. You will begin to experience the benefits of meditation, combined with theoretical understanding that allows you to incorporate the practice into your daily life.
Once one parent of a child/teenager has learnt Vedic Meditation and the child/teenager wishes to learn, they are accompanied by that parent to meet Liz and be introuduced to the meditation instructions for their age group (teenage sessions are explained at the Introduction talk).
The one off Course Fee includes:
4 Consecutive x 90 minute sessions + 1 Private checking sessions = Total of 5 sessions.
Private courses are available - choosing your own days and times to suit.
The one off course fee is based on a sliding scale according to the households Annual Income. Fees are discussed and explained at the Introduction Talk.
If you’re unemployed, a student, or don’t have a regular income a payment plan can be discussed.
Infants up to aged 10 yrs are Free of charge
$300 Students aged 11yrs up to High School age
$500 ($25,000 or less annual income)
$700 ($25,000 up to $55,000)
$900 ($55,000 up to $75,000)
$1,100 ($75,000 upward)
$1,400 Private course where you choose your own days and times.
Address: Beyond Thinking Vedic Meditation Room inside Engadine Yoga & Pilates Studios, 1-4/ 1071-1075 Old Princes Hwy. Engadine. Opposite the Post Office.
Once you become a Vedic Meditator the events and activities below are offered:
*Free access to all Group Meditations with Liz, and VM Teachers from Sydney and around the world.
*Private Mentoring to validate and refresh or answer any questions about the meditation practice. This mentoring session is free of charge.
Vedic Meditators are encouraged to contact and meet a Teachers who offers Retreats and Workshops. To find a qualified Vedic Meditation near you go to Thom Knoles website: