So much wisdom from Thom Knoles (Maharishi Vyasanand) over the past few weeks. The words that resonated with many of us - “Get yourself into that chair to Meditate, it’s the single most important thing that you will do each day.”

Why is daily Meditation so important? Because the world urgently need us to take responsibility for ourselves.  Many of you have heard me say “You are the most important person in this world that you will ever know.”

Taking responsibility for ourselves every day makes us more in tune with what Nature is calling us to do.  Self-Referral first then I can be of service to everyone and everything around me.  My personal space in this world is my responsibility.   It’s up to me to create a better environment, happier relationships and improve my health and wellbeing.  Always begin with Self first.

Challenges become opportunities, old anxieties change to courage and calmness. Negative thought patterns change to adaptability with positive outcomes and a right doing approach.  Creativity, Fearlessness, Love and shared experiences become the norm. 

Twenty minutes, is not a long time.  We sit comfortably, close the eyes to go within surrendering effortlessly to the process of de-exciting the body and going beyond to the source of all thoughts to the subtlest part of our thinking arriving at Pure Consciousness, our Being.  We go within with our special sound to purify and release stress, tension and fatigue, then we're ready for Action.

Vedic Meditators know the benefits that come from a daily practice so if you have fallen off the wagon and need support to start again please call me or come to Group Meditation or see me privately for a refresher.  Locations at – Engadine, Gymea, Caringbah, Sutherland & Cronulla at day or evening times for Group Meditation and Introduction to Vedic Meditation talks.  These meetings are free of charge and obligation, sometimes there is a charge for room hire and a donation would be greatly appreciated.  Love to see you again soon.

The website below offers some interesting information on the latest research and reasons why Meditation makes us feel so different.  

7 Ways that Meditation can actually change the Brain