
Dear Meditators
Over a lifetime we encounter many different kinds of relationships.  With families, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues etc.  Each relationship has many layers according to how much attention and time we give them and how many connections we make with those relationships.  Some of the relationships are the loving kind, the intimate kind, the kind that are long lasting and some short lasting, the kind you talk to about the weather with and don’t give much information away about yourself. 
Then there is the angry, destructive relationship’s, the kind that leave you with a lot of stress in the nervous system.   The kind we may hang on to because of the experiences we have had or the connections that still bind us to the past.  These emotions and feelings can keep us stuck in the past and stuck somewhere within those relationship layers of stress.  As my teacher Thom Knoles says we are on the “Relation- Ship”.  Sometimes they are rocky and stormy, other times they are smooth sailing.
When negative emotions and feelings from relationships come to the surface we have a choice to either ignore them and put them away for another time or to cut through the layers of the emotions to understand ourselves and the other person better.  We can always choose to make a start by placing our attention on the relationship and by not ignoring the truth.
If a relationship is meant to evolve and not end then it can go in many different directions but it must evolve in "Love" and not in suffering to survive.  Love is surrendering our preferences so that we have shared experiences.  We set ourselves and the other person free of suffering in order to come back to Love and Unity again and again.
Every day in our meditation we have an opportunity to go within. To allow change to begin.  To improve and change our reactions and behaviours within our relationships, to make them stronger and more loving.   We can choose to let go of the need to continue with the suffering. Take a break from the chatter of the mind and allow the peace and quiet to come in.   Within every layer of a relationship and at the heart and basis of everything we do is LOVE.  Love yourself first and this will be at the very core of your essence – Being.

See every opportunity to turn energy coming from us into Love.  When we choose Love consciously it multiplies and grows, we feel energized by it.
Until next time...  Be the radiating light of Love for all the world to see.