HAPPY NEW YEAR                                                                            

Dear Meditators

What will 2024 bring you?  

I came across an old video I watched in 2014- So ten years ago I was a big fan of Dr. Wayne Dyer.  He wrote some of the most inspirational books I have ever read.  One of them was The Five Principles of Living which I think you will enjoy and give you food for thought to write your 2024 bucket list.  I'm also going to share my own thoughts as we leave behind 2023 and welcome 2024. 
I highly recommend listening and watching Dr. Wayne Dyer's 5 Lessons to live by.  

Dr. Dyer died in 2015  
First Principle – “When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change.”
Second Principle - There are no justified resentments.
Third Principle – What you think is what you become.
Fourth Principle – Be open to everything and attached to nothing.
Five Principle – Don’t die with your music still in you.
As we begin 2024 and set our intentions for the New Year here are few thoughts on ways to succeed, knowing that all intentions and desires are possible.  Remember we deserve the best, but how much we receive depends on how much we want it and how much we expect it.  Nothing is too small or too big, everything is possible.  
*Write down or journal your intentions and desires for 2024. 

*Do you have unresolved situations or issues and how can they be resolved?

*Are there any unfulfilled intentions and desires from last year or from 10 years ago or whatever the time?

*Am I ignoring feelings of suffering because of fear, or discomfort?  Perhaps because of past experiences? –When I have negative self-talk emerging from past experiences let me remember the 3 R’s – Recognise, Realise, Respond.

Recognize when the negative self-talk is happening, Realise the environment you are in at the time.  Has the place or person triggered the negative thinking?   After you recognise and realise then comes the Response stage. 

How am I going to respond to this situation or person?  Do my feelings and emotions match the situation that is really happening?  or am I maladapting/reacting and I realise that these are old patterns. Am I responding to the past? Now I have a choice to make as to how I respond.  Can I stop my negative thoughts?  Yes, by saying to myself- "STOP, STOP" – this will interrupt the negative thoughts and I can choose how to respond in a way that is more appropriate.  We can also remove ourselves from the situation to give space.  This may take a few repeated episodes and more suffering, but don’t give up, because research shows that when we persist in changing our thinking patterns new neural pathways in the nervous system is forming and changing.  Eventually the new pathways of our thinking change completely and are replaced with right thinking and doing which brings us happiness and peace rather than the fight flight response causing suffering.

*Practise going within yourself to the fine level of feeling place – Intuition.  Come to the present moment and you will find the answers will begin to change your thinking patterns.  The old patterns will begin to dissipate and eventually leave altogether.   Another alternative is to seek help from a professional Counsellor.  Talking to someone about the thoughts will help.   The ever-repeating known patterns, can be broken. 
*Doing a Tapas – What am I willing to give up in order to fulfil my intentions and desires?  An example - Giving up my morning coffee which I really enjoy in order to fulfil what I want to happen.  Make the intention something that is going to be of benefit to myself and benefit others.  Nature likes it when we think big so make it something substantial that takes effort.  Then let it go, let go of the need to know when or how it will happen.  The signs will begin to show themselves and to feel charming in my thoughts.

If after some time there’s no outcome – increase the Tapas and continue to let go.  Remembering that what we ask for may not be meeting the need of the time and something else may arise in its place that is going to serve us better.  Let nature be the guide.  
*As always, I strongly recommend making your 20 minute twice daily meditation a priority.  Meditation brings us closer to knowing what Natures intentions and desires are for us. 

I want to introduce Dr. Joe Dispenza who is a Neuro Scientist.   Dr. Dispenza has written and produced some brilliant books and videos outlining his research into how the mind and body function and why the body responds to trauma and negative thinking patterns in the Brain.  In the video link below Dr. Joe discusses his book called Rewire the Brain - how to control the mind in minutes.

Love to everyone
Enjoy all you do until next time
Jai Guru Deva