Witnessing my reactions

Dear Meditators

What does witnessing my reactions mean, particularly for meditators?  It means to consciously stand back from a situation to see it from a different perspective.  Reacting from a different perspective gives us time to calm down and to think differently. 
Asking the questions – What am I really reacting to here?  Am I reacting from my own feeling’s and not seeing the bigger picture?  Remember everyone reports from their own state of consciousness, this includes us. 
As daily meditators we may feel what is happening in our environment more deeply. 
Perhaps waking up feeling depressed or sad but not knowing the reason for this.  With each meditation our senses become more sharpened which means we feel deeply and pick things up quickly.   Therefore, it is perfectly normal for us to feel anger and sadness when atrocities happen.  We must also remember that these things are not happening to us personally.  We are witnessing and feeling what is happening on a Universal consciousness level. We recognising that Nature is calling on us to support those who are suffering. 
Through daily meditation we sharpen our sensory perceptions which expands the boundaries around us with greater awareness of what is happening both inside and outside of the body.  Over time the sensors can become so highly sharpened that we sense what is happening within another person (this is Unity Consciousness.) “What’s it like to be you?”
As twice daily meditators we bring calmness and understanding to a situation from our inner quietness, we bring (Being) into Action.  Action can mean many things but if we are picking up on negativity from the environment then what we do is change our thoughts.  Come to the place inside that feels love, empathy and compassion for those who are suffering.  No longer needing to feeling anger towards those who commit the crimes. 

Until next time,

Love & Jai Guru Deva