Five Lessons to Live By - Wayne Dyer

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Dr. Wayne Dyer on - 5 Lessons to live by.  I think this is one of his best.  
Wayne Dyer died in 2015.
First Principle – “When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change.”
Second Principle - There are no justified resentments.
Third Principle – What you think is what you become.
Fourth Principle – Be open to everything and attached to nothing.
Five Principle – Don’t die with your music still in you.

On the fifth principle -
The intuitive inner voice that Wayne Dyer speaks of comes directly from inside us. Our Inner Being, Pure Consciousness, he calls it "our Soul."  Having a direct line to that inner voice in Meditation brings us closer to knowing the truth about ourselves -of what we need to know and how to live a life filled with happiness and Love.   

A few questions to get us thinking -

What burning desires do I have in my Soul right now?
Do I believe that Anything is possible? Or is there something or someone holding me back?  Am I willing to surrender and leap forward fearlessly or do I have doubts due to past experiences?  

Write a list of your desires and choose one.  Trusting that Nature/God will show me the next step - my part is to know that anything is possible. Trust the process and expect the best to happen.  Let go of needing to know the outcome, we let go of needing control, of holding on. Let go, Let go, Let go.
Do I have regrets?
Having regrets means I may be holding onto resentments or I may have negative thoughts about a myself or a particular person or thing.  I may be thinking "I wish I had done ……” or "I feel anger towards someone or something that happened many years ago." 

If I change the way I think about another person or about past experiences that have caused anger and resentment then I'm on my way to having less suffering and an opportunity to take responsibility for myself and my reactions. The way I see myself and others is from my own perspective, my own world view.  If I don’t change my thinking, I run the risk of shutting down my emotions and stopping my personal growth.  

Nature offers many opportunities....  Remember what we put our attention on grows.  Can I put my attention on becoming fearless?  Having no regrets, no anger, resentments or negativity? Can I choose self-love over self-destruction?  

Today I will place my attention on loving myself first then loving everything and loving everybody.