The new wave of Consciousness

MAY 2020

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Dear Meditators
Panditji Baskaran from India, known to us as the Manifestation of Bliss Consciousness sent me the following quote from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.    
“The world is the divine made active, everything rising as a wave on the eternal ocean of bliss consciousness.” Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

As we are slowly coming out of the Pandemic and strict isolation it’s a great time to recognize the Divine in us that is rising like the Ocean.  

We have been at the bottom of the wave rising up now we're at the peak ready to begin sliding down and out the other side.  

What will the World look like from my perspective after the Pandemic is over? 
If I choose to go back to how things were before the Pandemic then I may have missed the opportunity for change.  I can choose to ignore somethings and be stuck in the ever-repeating known with negative outcomes or I can embrace new opportunities and take the steps toward being fearless.  Reminding myself that I am are in control of my thoughts and behaviour patterns.  As is the Consciousness of the mind, body and spirit, so is the print out into the Universe.  The Divine/Mother Nature is Manifesting itself again and again- wave by wave.   

Ask these questions –

  • What have I learned from the isolation experience?

  • Can I embrace the new beginnings?  If not why not- what am I holding onto?

  • Can I feel a new excitement rising inside? 

You will have your own questions - take time out, see what is rising up for you in your world. 

For some people there has been sadness and losses perhaps more than usually felt from the collective consciousness of the world, others have felt overwhelmed with loss of freedom because of the restrictions.  For some it’s been a time of contemplation, to reflect and rest, for others it’s been a time for new beginnings.  The feeling of the waves from the Universe cleansing itself, Country by Country and person by person.  

The main thing for us as Meditators is to keep up with twice a day Meditation. All will be revealed at the right time and in the way it is meant to come to me.  
Even though this Pandemic has meant many changes, we are about to rise above it. The wave is folding back on itself to become the Ocean again.   Our Meditation is our wave of stillness that is at the core of our Being.  We move from Reality into the Absolute.  On the ride inward we may feel the sense of rest and relaxation with lots of thoughts and maybe some experiences of the release of stress from the Nervous System.  
As the mind follows the sound of the Mantra and I move deeper into Transcendence I keep letting go, surrender and let the Divine/Nature take me to the unmanifest where I experience no-thing.  Silence, Contentment, the Absolute depth of the Ocean.   What occurs during this time is not for us to work out or have any expectations.  It’s in the subtle areas of reality that I begin to experience and realise that the changes are due to the Meditation practise.  Thank goodness for Meditation I hear you saying.  Me too! 

I encourage all of us to have an open mind and to take time-out to be quiet.  When I am quiet I can be Present with my thoughts and be aware of what is bubbling up.  I can see everything clearer from the peak, then follow through with the ride of life.  I can do this slowly or fast however this unfolds. Maybe I have some wild new ideas spining around in the head.  Let's see what is possible and if it feels charming then go forward fearlessly.  The ego mind might be saying that this is not right but if I am quiet then new ideas and desires will become clearer.

Take good care, there are many new beginnings on the horizon manifesting for us all.
Love to everyone, keep safe and well.