EVOLUTION - Each life is Tailor Made


EVOLUTION – Each life is Tailor made

For thousands of years the mystery of life’s evolution has been thought about by many Scholars, Inventors, Scientists, Spiritual Leaders and we Humans.  We also have the "Veda" meaning whole Truth, whole Knowledge, passed down to us over 5,000 years ago. Listen here to Vedic Masters Maharishi Vyasananda Thom Knoles podcast on The Vedic Worldview. 

The Veda tells us that Evolution is an unfolding play and we, the individual, are in the evolutionary process of acting this play out from our own state of Consciousness.   
So how can we have more understanding of our own Evolution? We surrender to the play, get involved in the play, be the play.  That is what we have to do in this lifetime.  There will always be pain and suffering, losses and limitations, that's what makes us human.   Once we work through the pain and suffering, we come closer to the truth, realising that we are much more than this body.  We begin to peel back the layers, to have awareness that something inside us is waking up.  
In every moment the “I am”, ME the individual has a purpose in the play.  Our job is to take responsibility for ourselves, to ensure we are living a purposeful life and accept that everything happens for a reason.  As humans we have the tendency to try to control, to over think and analyse.  It’s human nature to think we have to get somewhere.... but where are we going? The Veda says enjoy the ride, we are already here!!

Long ago I received this quote which helped in the process of surrendering and letting go:
 Have the courage to Let go,
of the needing to know. 
Of needing Control.
Of holding on.
Let go, let go, let go.
Damn it, let go.

We don’t give up on life but rather dive into it.  Be joyful, happy and playful.  God, Nature, Universe or whatever you like to call it is the instrument, the organizer and the play. Therefore, we too must be part of the play.

Our Meditation practice is a pathway to knowing the truth of our own evolution and of life’s purpose.