“Who Am I?” I am not my Mind, my Body, my Emotions.

Recently I was with people who described how they saw particular people in their lives.  An older lady was described as being Nervy she didn't cope with problems in her life. Another was a young man he was described as a Scallywag - someone, especially a child, who has behaved badly but who is still liked.  Another person felt they were seen as "not being good enough."  Coming from their own perspectives and perceptions of these people, were they correct?  

Yes, we do observe people and judge them from our own perspective. This helps us to make decisions, to discern and to determine our responses. We do this in relationships and with situations where we need to make a judgement.  However when these judgements or descriptions are spoken about by ourselves or from others in a negative way this is destructive and can be damaging.

If we place too much importance on how other people see us and what they think of us we can loose touch with our own perspective of Who we really are.  Taking on board what others think of us can lead to negative thinking about ourselves and becoming needy.  It is also a way of giving the other person or situation the control over us. 

If we look at this from another perspective - that I am not my Mind, my Body or my Emotions then how do I know Who I really Am?

Am I more than my Mind, Body and Emotions? The answer is yes, when we meditate something physically happens - we go beyond the relative world to dive deep into our consciousness, into Being. Pure Consciousness, Pure Contentedness. Scientific Research have proven that Meditation is a completely different state of Consciousness where the brain waves are completely rested and yet we are fully awake.  

When I experience this state of quietness and calmness called Being inside of Meditation as well as outside then I know intellectually that there is much more to me. My Creative Intelligence tells me this, Nature shows me another side to me. My awareness of Who I Am through the process of daily Meditation is clearer. I become stronger and more confident because I experience the truth of who I really am.  I go beyond needing to know what other people think of me.

"I am a Spiritual Being having a human experience."