Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes is so - Ancient Veda knowledge


Dear Meditators        

This quote comes from Shakespeare's time but is ancient knowledge that comes from the “Veda’s” which means Knowledge.

The Vedic world view is – There is no right or wrong, good or bad, but how we think makes us beleive it is so.
Thinking changes our reality but is this the truth?

As humans we speak and act from the state of consciousness we are in at the time. We analyse, go over and over in our minds to make sense of a situation. We blame others because that is what humans do, right? A person says something to me that I think is bad, another person may say something that is good. It is not until we get insight and the mistaken intellect is corrected (Pragyapradh) that we move in a different directions and the pathways change with different behavious and communication. We let go of old stuff and move from blame and suffering into right doing. Feeling calmness inside while the people around us may be battling with what others are saying.

The way people communicate comes from their own perspective- everyone is reporting from their own state of consciousness. What people say to us is not good or bad, right or wrong. If we react because the mind has gathered up past memories and experiences from that person or from what people have said about the other person then we will mal-adapt and become stressed. Whatever stress is in the Nervous System at that time is what the body prints out.

How is the intellect corrected?
By witnessing our behaviour and coming to the present moment. Inside the present is where everything lies. There is an exercise I like to do. I call it the 3 R’s. Recognise what is happening, Realise through the senses where I am at that moment then Respond appropriately to the situation at hand. Feeling charm from within, the feel good hormones release into the body. Our responses then comes from Being (Pure Consciousness) into Action not Thinking into Action.

Always come back to self. Reactions (stresses) becomes less and we take responsibility, we adapt. Always look to self-first don’t jump to conclusions, look for the truth. Nature will support when we go from Being into thinking and then into action. Then everything flows perfectly.

In this podcast Thom talks about "Truth - That which never changes" Enjoy the wisdom from a Vedic Master.

Until next time
Love & Jai Guru Deva

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