The Truth about my Life

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Dear Meditators,
The truth about my life is - everything that has evolved up to this moment including all the ups and downs in life, has been structured in my own consciousness.

How do I know this? I can’t blame anyone; I can’t say it was because of this or that or "If only I had done things differently."

“Everything is well and wisely set in place.” What I perceive, what I attract, what I think about, everything, is all structured in my consciousness.

If I focus on the unhappy times, I can get stuck in feeling there is nothing to be grateful for, but when I think of all the amazing, wonderful things that have happened I only feel gratitude.

Life is about evolving and expanding and loving everything about it. Taking responsibility for my own evolution and my own state of consciousness. Every day in meditation I arrive at my inner quiet place, to rest in the most evolved part of myself, Being.

Then, after meditation I come to my fine level of feeling/intuition/charm to listen and watch for the cues that take me in the direction of where I need to be. I keep moving forward with what I know and understand to be purposeful and fulfilling.

Today I will celebrate my life. I will learn from the past, I will seek guidance from God/the Universe and take direction and purpose into the future. Look inside myself for the answers and make life a celebration.

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A Quote from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
“The whole purpose of life is to gain enlightenment. Nothing else is significant compared to that completely natural, exalted state of consciousness. So always strive for that. Set your life around that goal. Don’t get caught up in small things, and then it will be yours.”
Jai Guru Deva.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone