My True Nature June 2018

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My True Nature
Dear Meditators,
This time of year all the leaves drop from the Liquidambar trees and they stand tall and bear.  I think about the number of times they have gone through their cycle and how open to the elements of Nature they are during Winter. Then Spring comes and they are full of life and new growth again. Each year they seem to have taken on different shapes and grown in new directions but still their trunks and their foundations remain the same.
I likened this story of change and new cycles to my own life.  The “I”, my individuality has evolves through many cycles. My body has changed mentally and physically many times over.  Some of the most profound experiences I have had in life have created new and unexpected directions and pathways, but spiritually at the very core of me, there is something that has never changed - my Being, my stillness, that part of me has never changed and it never will.  

Today my true nature comes from learning to be more present.  Not anxiously looking toward the future or thinking about the past.  When I come to the present I'm more aware of my true essence and connectedness.  I become aware of my quiet place inside to feel centrered and grounded in my foundations.  From that point my egoic mind becomes secondary, still hearing the chatter but more alined with the inner voice.  My thoughts become clearer, life flows smoothly I am more aware of what I need to be doing, or not doing.  I have learned to see challenges as opportunities and put all I have learn into practise.  

I don’t wait for the truth to come to me from outside of myself, I look for the truth through my meditation and through awareness in the present moment. When I come to the present moment my senses are raised, I am less reactive and more adaptive to any situation.  Happiness and bliss is more available in the present moment.
Today I will practice going beyond my ego thoughts to experience the source all of my thoughts.  Today I will enhance my knowledge and understanding of who I am and where I need to be at any given moment.