How to De-Clutter the Mind & Body


Dear Meditators

During meditation the mind and body come to a deep relaxed state giving the nervous system time to restore and rejuvenate. This process releases stress making way for new consciousness to be expressed in every cell of the body. The mind and body become calmer, clearer, more focused on situations and the ability to react in positive ways when the need arises. The possibilities for success are endless.

How to de-clutter:

  • Twice daily 20 minutes meditation practice is the single most important thing you can do for yourself.

  • Practicing Pranayama (Breathing technique). Replacing old stale breath with the new prana

  • Practicing Yoga regularly

  • Exercise regularly

  • Having present moment awareness and awareness of the content of your thoughts

  • Stop ignoring addictions. Giving up an addiction is not easy, but it can be done through Vedic Meditation. The chemicals released during meditation can bring about change and with time replace an addiction. This will happen when it happens and is different for everyone. Being released from an addiction is life changing. It brings a higher consciousness state, more stability, bliss and happiness.

  • Consciously think about what to eat and drink - Ayurveda recommends we leave room to eat more, leave the table feeling ¾ full not overfull.

  • You would have heard the expression “Being stuck in a rut” in other words being stagnant in the same ever repeating old rituals and habits. Identifying and making changes to some of these old patterns is a good beginning. Changing thought patterns will start the process rolling for change to happen. Start with small things, then the next and the next like that.

  • Removing unnecessary material possessions – De-Cluttering the home, work place, social media, social activites or whatever works for you will feel amazing. By doing this the mind and body will release the clutter making space for new Consciousness to arise. “Do less accomplish more.” We don’t need the clutter.

  • There are many ways to create space both inside and outside of us. What is your way?

    Today I will make a conscious effort to be in the present moment and aware of my thought patterns. I will replace my negative thoughts and feelings with love and understanding.
    “As we think so shall we be”

    Enjoy the changes,