Rewrite the software of the mind

Dear Meditators
Hope you have had a great start to the year.

A few quotes and thoughts to share this month.

 “To change the printout of the body, you must learn to rewrite the software of the mind”.   

When the stress hormones Adrenalin and Cortisol race through the body, we call this the fight or flight response, when we sense danger or could also prepare us when meeting challenges of a positive nature.  The mind and brain scan the body to work out how it will respond and the body then prints it out through the nervous system and our senses.
When you adapt well you stay focused, energetic, and alert.  In emergency situations, stress can save your life, i.e. giving extra strength when an accident is about to happen.
Stress is what keeps you on your toes during a presentation at work, sharpens your concentration when you’re attempting a challenge like speaking in front of an audience, going for a job interview or drives you to study for an exam when you'd rather be watching TV.

When were in a constant state of anxiety from negative stress our health begins to suffer, sleeping can become difficult, heart rate and blood pressure is effected, the immune system starts to break down and the body starts to print out all types of health problems.
The effects of chronic stress – The body does not distinguish the difference between the physical and the psychological when there is a threat to be dealt with.
If I laugh together with someone, that joy is reflected in my nervous system.  If I watch a violent movie, the impression of that violence is recorded in my brain.  Whatever I put my attention on becomes part of me.  Remember how important it is to choose activities that nourish us.

“Our attention is like fertilizer – whatever we put it on grows”. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Of all the brain changing experiences in life, research shows that none is more powerful in a good way than those minutes spent in the morning and evening meditating, quietly settling down and transcending thought.  After Meditation, we feel rested and refreshed.  Experiencing the most pivotal moments in life becomes a natural everyday occurrence.

Just a reminder, as always, I am available for a chat over the phone or book in for a Mentoring session with me or book in for a free checking and refresher session.  Also, this year I am running Exploring the Veda course for all Vedic Meditators see below for details and our yearly Rounding Retreat will be held at Bolitho House in Canyonleigh, Southern Highlands in May.

Until next time

Jai Guru Deva