
Synchronicity means- the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
We call them coincidences or good and bad luck, Murphy’s Law, simultaneity or incidences occurring at the same time.  There is intentionality and simultaneity coming together at a meeting point to create synchronicity. 
Synchronicities are not of this world we cannot make them happen, they come to us from our Spirit, Source, Soul, Guides, Nature, God, Universe or whatever you like to call it. 

(Quote fromThom Knoles) “We design our own experiences whether consciously or unconsciously.  We suffer exactly in proportion to how unconscious we are.  When we’re awake, relaxed and conscious we are more receptive and more synchronicity occurs.”   Life flows easily and naturally.  When we are living unconsciously we may be blaming others for our unhappy state or suffering and living with doubt, fear and negativity.   

The Veda’s tell us that there is only one indivisable thing occurring at any time and that is Oneness. As humans we experience Oneness through our senses and the vibrational flow of consciousness brought to us through Prana (breath or life force).
So, how do we become more aware and conscious of these Syncronicities occurring in our life?
*We meditate 20 minutes twice per day.
*We work towards expanding our consciousness by being present and aware.
*We become aware of our thoughts, emotions and feelings.
*We work towards becoming fearless by taking risks and jumping into the unknown.
*We follow charm and become aware of our emotions and feelings on a deep level.