Gratitude Challenge

14 Day Gratitude Challenge
Dear Meditators

How has this year been for you so far? 
I looked back on what I have written on the topic of Happiness and remembered the Gratitude Challenge we did in 2017. I remember the benefits of the challenge and the importance of checking.  What % of happiness am I feeling with my life right now?  
By writing down and recognising the degree of happiness I feel can be a challenge in itself, so let’s do this together and make positive changes.  With gratitude comes change to the way we look at ourselves and look at others. Being grateful adds to our sense of happiness which in turn is reflected in how we live our lives. When happiness is present we become more aware of what we have rather than what we don't have, we appreciate more and allow space for more Love, Happiness and Bliss.         
Let’s start by asking ourselves some questions?  Am I focused on the external things in life - my sense of Self coming from Object or external referral or Internal referral where I feel love, happiness and independence?   
Whether we get our happiness from an external source or an internal source, it is up to us to make ourselves happy.    

My VM Colleague, Light Watkins from Los Angeles wrote his first book   - The Inner Gym: A 30-Day Workout For Strengthening Happiness.    Go here for the link.
I have designed a 14 day challenge based on the Inner Gym Book and I encourage you to take up the challenge also. 


What you will need – writing pad, pen and an empty jar or container.

To get started place your attention on people, places, circumstances, or recent life lessons you’re grateful for.

Write five gratitude statements each day.  Example – Family, our health and well -being, fresh food to eat, my Job, a walk in the park - whatever comes to mind.
Begin writing your list on paper and keeping it with you.  Look at you list from time to time to reflect on your blessings throughout your day.
Continue listing new statements of gratitude each day and tracking your happiness levels based on your
cumulative feelings over the previous 24 hours.  Give a score out of 10, 10 being very happy and 1 very unhappy.

Example:       Very happy 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Very unhappy.

  • It is recommended to limit your gratitude list to only five.

  • Also recommended to stick with simple statements for each item on your list.

  • If you forget to write a statement, then when you do remember just write it down then. 

After writing your gratitude list, start to write them on separate pieces of paper. When you get home or at some point near the end of your day, place your list into the “gratitude jar”. 

At the end of the challenge, look back and reflect on -
What changes have I noticed?

For example: The Benefits –
Levels of happiness - physically, mentally or spiritual changes?

Have I noticed changes to my relationships, health, energy levels, less suffering, adaptability levels, stress
levels, coping mechanisms, habits, attitudes & behaviours, levels of patience, acceptance, gratitude?

Have I slowed down and started to take more notice of what is happening around me?
At the end of 14 days compare how you felt at the beginning to how you feel now? 

Until next time,
Love & Jai Guru Deva