Dear Meditators
Inside the Meditators Tool Kit
Living in today’s busy world we need to have a variety of tools to survive.  The number one tool for Meditators is twice daily Meditation. Diving inward first then taking the benefits out into action.

From our Meditation comes greater Adaptability – How we react in any given situation is paramount and always depends on our adaptation levels.  Our reactions and our thinking patterns are a measure of how adaptable we are or not.  Do I react appropriately or do I go into fight flight mode?  

An old interview with Thom Knoles by Vedic Meditation Teacher and colleague from Germany Ed Vero.

One of the topics Thom talked about was “Being at the top of your game” meaning to adapt in any given situation. 

If we are too rigid in our relationships with families and friends or take life too seriously or rely heavily on our social activities then we are missing the flow of Nature and the opportunity to grow and live life to the fullest.  
Dependence on others is not where happiness comes from.  It's up to us to make ourselves happy. 

The opposite to Rigidity - “Nimbleness.” Nimbleness definition- quick and light in movement; moving with ease; agile; active; rapid: nimble feet.  And to add childlike pleasures into your tool kit -don’t take life too serious.   

Have fun and laugh!! 
Being at the top of our games also means that we have the Bliss chemicals printing out from the body.  We become intellectual, creative and clearer thinkers. We feel healthy, happy and more awake to listen to Natures cues.  In the flow of life our foundations are strong.  As Thich Nhat Hanh says "Mountain Solid."
Using your senses (To see, hear, touch, taste and smell) What would your perfect day look like?  It can be whatever you like!   Write down your answer or just think about it.  Ask your friends and family to do the same then talk about it.  It’s a great exercise because the mind always wants to go in the direction of greater happiness. 

When negativity and low-grade thinking is removed the mind has the capacity to come to its senses ready to be in the Now where everything lies. 

Enjoy the experience!!