Listen to your inner voice

The intuitive inner voice that Wayne Dyer speaks about comes from our Inner Being, Pure Consciousness, he calls it "Our Soul."  As Meditators we have direct access to our inner voice when we meditate and in the present moment. When calmness grows inside our inner voice becomes clearer and we follow charm.  

One quarter of the year has past already, it's a good time to review and reflect on these words of wisdom.

A few questions to get us started -
What burning desires do I have in my Soul right now?
Is there something that I have always wanted to do but something or someone is holding me back?  Trust that you can achieve anything when you make up your mind.  Nature will start offering you ways of achieving whatever you desire.  

What have I Mastered in my life so far?
An example from my list last year - I went white water rafting down the Ganges River in India, now that was a big and wonderful achievement. Fear didn't hold me back but some years ago I could not even put my face in the water to swim.  To overcome my fears I had swimming lessons and now I can put my whole body under water and enjoy it. 

Do I have regrets?
We don't want to come to the end of our lives and say "I didn't do what I wanted to do because of ........., or I am still angry with that person or situation that happened many years ago. We can't change the past and it is such a waste of time holding onto old regrets. What we can change is our thinking about those situation or people and move on.  Not easy but it is so worthwhile. 

Nature offers us many wonderful opportunities.  Remember what we put our attention on grows. Let go of fears, regrets, anger and doubts.  Choose fearlessness over fear and self-love over self-destruction.  

Love everything about yourself, the good as well as the things you do not like. Love everything and love everybody.

Life is too short "Don't die with your music still inside you."

Love & Jai Guru Deva