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AUG 15 AT 8 AM AEST – AUG 15 AT 9 AM UTC+10
Livestream Group Meditation
Free · Online Event

Dear Meditators

Going live with my Colleague and friend Paula Jane Newman from Aware Meditation Cosmic Chats on You Tube, please join us and give your support.

Aware Meditation is a not-for-profit Fund-Raising organisation. The fund raising enables Vedic Meditation Teachers to teach people who are on low incomes, the homeless, people in jail and those living in rural and remote areas. The project gives people the opportunity to learn the practice for free with a Vedic Meditation Teacher. Teachers from around the world have joined Paula to make this available to everyone. People learn face to face and take the 4-day course in groups and privately. If you know someone who would benefit from this project, please let us know.

On Sunday 15th August at 8am join Paula and I for a chat about my journey both as a Meditator and Teacher. How I came to learn Vedic Meditation, how it has affected my life and why I became a Vedic Meditation Teacher in my late 50’s. There will also be a Group Meditation together.

Paula has put together the book below- Vedic Meditation Stories by Meditators and Initiators. You can purchase the book for free on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. It’s a great read with interesting stories. None of the stories have been edited so they come straight from the Heart of each person.

Vedic Meditation Stories.jpg

The Pandemic has bought about huge global changes. Nature is calling on us to pay attention to what is most important in our lives. She is our greatest Teacher and we need to listen.

These times are challenging -physically, mentally and spiritually. My challenge is not seeing my Grandchildren and Family members. However, the benefits have been many. Catching up on reading, listening to lovely music on Spotify, zooming in with family and friends so my technology skills have improved. There is less contact with people and more contact with Nature and that has been wonderful. We have the bush at our front door and there are many animals who come to visit -foxes, wallabies, big and little spiders, snakes, bush rats and mice, possums and blue tongue lizards to name a few.

Thinking about meditation - I want to spend some time talking about the challenges and the benefits of our twice daily Meditation practice. It’s not an easy time for many, but making meditation a priority each day is so important. In fact, it’s the single most important thing you will do in your day. If your’e not meditating twice per day then make arrangements at the beginning of each day when that will happen. Because if you don’t do the second meditation your getting less than half the benefits. Give yourself permission and make a commitment to give yourself this gift each day. At first there may be more stress released, however this will settle down and after a while you will begin to notice the days flow more smoothly, decision making becomes easier, you’ll feel happier, healthier and lighter with every meditation.

Love to everyone & Jai Guru Deva