"In order to have a New Year you have to have a New You." Thich Nath Hanh


Happy New Year Dear Meditators
As the New Year and a New Decade begins it’s a good time to reflect on both the highlights and challengers of the past ten years.    
As I look back over the last 10 years as a Vedic Meditation Teacher, I see all of your shining faces and feel a huge sense of gratitude in my heart for what has been an amazing journey for me. Watching the changes and growth that happens along the way is an absolute delight and an honour to be a part of your life journey.  Some Meditators I see regularly others remain in my awareness and will always be in my heart even though not physically. 
As Meditators of this Tradition we are so fortunate to have a beautiful practise that is so simple and yet so profoundly deep and meaningful.  To experience the inner quite place and to find happiness and complete contentedness is such a blessing and gift.   We cannot buy peace and happiness anywhere; it comes from within and how do you put a price on that?  Our lives are changed profoundly and yet so subtly.  It never ceases to amaze. 
What I put into practise each day creates the new me and that creates the next day and the next day and so on over the next decade. 
I invite you all to join me this year to refresh your meditation practise if it has fallen away.  Learn how to expand and grow in consciousness and awareness from the knowledge of the Veda’s and other courses that I will be running.   This year’s Rounding Retreat will be at Gary Gorrow’s new “Soma Retreat Centre” in Byron Bay.  I will confirm the dates and prices soon.
With much love in my heart I will take you all with me to India, to our Vedic Meditators homeland, the Holy City of Rishikesh. I will be in India from 12th Jan to 5th Feb.  During my time away the Meditation Centre will be open for Monday night Group Meditation (see dates below.)  Please join the Meditators for Meditation and the lively discussions that follow.     

Looking forward to seeing your shining faces again soon.
Much Love & Jai Guru Deva
