
Namaste Dear Meditators

The word “Namaste” was often said when saying Hello in India.  Often used as a greeting or at the finish of Yoga. The meaning of Namaste is “the Divine in me respectfully recognizes the Divine in you.”

Having spent the last 4 weeks in India it’s not easy coming back to the reality of everyday living in the Shire, but very happy to be home.

It was great to meet up with old Colleagues and meet many of the New Teachers.  We were about 40 Teachers in total this time.  Teachers from all over the world – USA, Mexico, London, France, Canada & Australia.  There is something like 150 Teachers in total plus the newbies doing Initiator Training in India this year.

I am one of the oldies who seems to be known as Liz from the Shire.  Funny how one thinks of themselves as the quiet and isolated one.  Then people ask “are you Liz from the Shire”?  “Very happy to meet you etc.” My reaction was “I wonder what they were told about me?”

These days I’m more accepting of compliments but there was a time when negativity dominated my thoughts and mind. Learning the art of receiving is a much better place to be in.  Thinking the best for oneself is a practise.  The more one looks within there is a deeper sense, not of just the human form but a spiritual Being – the essence of what we truly are.