Raising Consciousness through Ayurveda

Raising Consciousness through Ayurveda – The Science of Life.

First let’s think about our own Lifestyle.

What we eat and drink, how we sleep, interact in relationships and in the environments we live?
I know it’s a lot to unpack but these are the building block that unlock insight into our lifestyle. We may think that Meditation twice daily is enough but it’s also important to look deeper at the ways we look after our Health and Well Being? Studying Ayurveda is one way to deepen our knowledge and awareness of the mind and body. To cut through the layers of our not just who we are but what we are.

Ayurveda as a lifestyle practice that sits hand in hand with our Vedic Meditation practice.
Go here to apply for free PDF Booklet.

An Introduction from the booklet –
“Based on Maharishi Ayur-Veda, the world’s oldest and most comprehensive system of natural health.”

Our behavioural patterns of eating, sleeping, work, rest and rejuvenation determine whether we have good
health or start to face a wide a variety of disorders as we age. Health is a choice. However, choice is only powerful if we have the option of choosing right over wrong. This booklet is designed to provide you with the knowledge to enable you to choose behaviours in each major area of daily living that will help you develop the highest possible state of health now and into the future. Too many times as health deteriorates the energy and will to make changes in behaviour also is reduced, creating a downward spiral in health. Physics tells us the world exists in layers. The surface levels of nature behave like particles and are the domain of classical physics. The deeper, subtler levels of nature behave like wave patterns in fields and are the domain of quantum physics. Modern medicine is a health care system based on an analysis of health from the molecular level in classical physics. Maharishi Ayur-Veda is a health care system based on an analysis of health from the deepest quantum mechanical level in nature, the Unified Field.

Ayurveda Time Clock for eating and sleeping well.

Ideally get up by 6am, to take advantage of the end of the Vata period (2am to 6am). The energy at this time of day is light and fresh. If you wake up too far into the Kapha period (6am to 10am) everyday, you will feel duller and more sluggish throughout the day.

Further thoughts to live by, raising Consciousness and Self-awareness.

  • Live in the present moment (listen to Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now)

  • Be of service in the community (what you give you receive back in abundance)

  • Let go of old negative habits

  • Be self-referral (come back to the self before blaming everything and everybody else around you)

  • Raise my awareness of others by putting myself in their shoes – “What’s it like to be you?”

  • Surrendering my preferences in my relationships gracefully and without resentment

  • Giving to others what I want to give to myself i.e., if I want affection then give affection first, if I want attention then give others my attention first. Whatever I want for myself -give it first.

  • No expectations, no judgment, no sarcasm, no negativity

  • Give freely, without keeping score

Everything is conceived, structured and perceived in our consciousness.
Remember what I put my attention on grows so be mindful of what you are attracting into your life.
One of my favourite sayings - “As you think so shall you be”.

Until next time
Love & Jai Guru Deva