Riding the waves of Happiness

Riding the waves of Happiness!

There is one thing we can be sure of besides change and that is, I am the only one who can make me Happy.   I am responsible for the way I think, feel and act and that means I am also responsible for my Happiness.  I am the experiencer of my world and therefore I alone have the power to change any negative or unhappy thoughts. 

Nobody else knows what I am feeling, thinking or perceiving in my world and when I accept this fact only then can I take responsibility and stop blaming others for my unhappiness and suffering. 
I may feel anger, frustration, resentment and so on, it’s natural, but when my reactions and behaviours cause me to suffer then it’s up to me and only me to recognise these thought patterns and to change them. The mind is always looking for greater happiness, so don't get stuck in the poor me's, ask for help and Nature will always support you to change old behaviours and patterns.  The intellect will be corrected creating new pathways and transmitters in the brain and body.  
Happiness can mean many things e.g. love, contentedness, bliss, gratitude, not suffering, good health and wellbeing, living a frictionless life, creativity, abundance, clearer thinking.  Becoming a giver and not a taker, surrendering preferences and becoming the best version of myself.  

Here are some tips on ways to live a happier, more balanced and integrated lifestyle.  

  • Twice daily Meditation - Meditation Transcends the Mind to greater happiness to experience Being in it’s most rested, blissful state.   
  • Eat well - Use food as your medicine for good health and wellbeing.
  • Sleep – if we sleep too much it creates dullness and fatigue.  When we don’t sleep enough it creates dullness and fatigue.  In Ayurveda, it is recommend going to bed at 10pm and rising before 6am.
  • Recreation – The body should be given the rest it needs, to experience the best while in activity.  We don’t go to the extreme of feeling exhaustion from overworking, playing hard or having too many late nights - nor do we want to go in the opposite direction to be completely inactive.   Recreation should be done in proportion, not too little and not too much.

Today if I catch myself blaming other for my unhappiness I will take responsibility for my own emotions and feeling and come back to self- referral of what my thoughts and behaviours are about.

Until next time...    
Love & Jai Guru Deva

Here is a link to the latest podcast by Thom Knoles on Unconditional Happiness. https://soundcloud.com/thom-knoles/unconditional-happiness