Navigating relationships

Over a lifetime we encounter many different kinds of relationships. - Families, friends, work colleagues, acquaintances, etc. Each relationship has many layers within it according to how much attention and time we give them.

The different types of relationships - the loving, the Intimite, some are long lasting and some are short, some we have on a personal level and tell all, then the kind we discuss the weather and don’t give away much information about ourself. Historical relationship - held together because of past experiences and the connections made that bind us.

Let’s break this done further and talk about traumatic and destructive or sometimes called toxic relationships. Why they keep repeating themselves and why we continue to suffer, sometimes for many years afterward. If there is no understanding of our part (self referral) in these relationships then there is no chance to reconcile and heal the layers within. The memories are held in the cells as Premature Cognitive Commitments. The way we react/adapt in situations come from these PCC's deep within the sympathetic nervous system. The cycles may keep repeating themselves with the same or similar scenarios taking us down the same pathways. This can be detrimental to our health and well-being, mentally, physically and spiritually.

How we might respond to the suffering in relationships -
When negative emotions and feelings come to the surface we have to make some choices. Either we ignore the feelings and hide them away for another time or we choose to release them. I call this the three R's, Recognise, Realise and Respond. It takes courage and discernment to look at ourselves first and to work through the old layers and challenges. The benefits are that the memories held within the cells begin to dissolve. We can begin to highlight and delete the old memories resulting in new beginning, new relationships free from the old baggage of old memories.

Moving forward is sometimes difficult, but we can make a start by placing our attention on ourselves. Being honest with ourselves, because the truth sets us free. Healing and love can begin to take place, set ourselves and the other person free. If we don’t choose this way then the suffering will continue. We have a choice to not be a Loving Controller but rather a compassionate, loving human being.

Within every layer of a relationship and at the source of everything is LOVE.

You have all heard me say - the most important person you will ever know is YOU.

If you are interested in gaining more Vedic Knowledge with the amazing Exploring the Veda Course - I will be starting another course early next year. It only takes a few people to begin the course. Go here for more information.

Jai Guru Deva
