Listen with your Heart and the silent inner voice

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“When you listen attentively to the silent voice in your heart and follow the direction she offers .... the great mystery starts to reveal herself to you. There is an awareness of Love that naturally starts to arise in you. It is this Love that you have been seeking. Listen…… ANAND MEHROTRA, SATTVA YOGA.
Listening to the whispers of the inner voice we find ourselves moving in the direction of charm and the purpose and meaning of our life.

The whispers can feel like a "call to action". Can feel like excitement, ambition, a new cognition or a challenge. Emotions of the Heart can feel like a love swell or bliss bubbling up from inside.

Nature speaks through incidences, coincidences or synchronicity, through communication and relationships. The feel-good hormone is downloaded called "Charm." Everything feels right and we trust.

There is also the opposite to Charm -Aversion. The inner voice tells us when something is wrong. Aversion can feel like anxiety, pain, suffering, fear, the fight or flight reaction or a negative feeling. This depends on our state of consciousness at the time. If we ignore the signs and feelings of aversion and proceed, then the situation may not work out. Life becomes rough. If we continue to ignore the signs and messages, the problems get bigger. If we still continue down this path the problems become a disaster and can end in a big mess.

Listen with your Heart to your inner voice, "Being." Get to know the difference between charm and aversion and the direction that Nature is showing you.

Our Meditation is one of the most effective ways of coming to silence. The mind transcends to the subtlest realms of silence coming to the place of stillness where everything lies. Experience the silence during meditation then take that state of consciousness into activity.

How do we find silence outside of meditation?
Be in Nature, go for a walk, be alone with your thoughts, sit by the ocean, practise Yoga and Pranayama (breath in the energy of life - Prana), sit quietly after meditation, let your thought be your guide and see what happens.

My teacher Thom Knoles says “Rest is the basis of dynamic action – you draw back the bow string and then you release it into activity straight to the target.”

Today I will take time to be quiet and listen to my inner voice. I will appreciate that life is precious and that everything is well and wisely set in place for me.

Love & Jai Guru Deva