There is great feeling of excitement when you start something new or achieve something you have always wanted to do. It could be a new adventure, new job, new relationship, a new baby or reaching the goal you set for yourself. But there could be another side to these feelings which often come into play during these times such as doubt, stress and anxiety.
Negative emotions and feelings stop us from enjoying the moment and feeling happy. The energy changes from high grade to low grade, we feel it and the people around us feel it. Our attention and energy go in different directions and can spiral downward very quickly rather than a feeling of elation and happiness we can feel sick, panic, stressed and less confident in ourselves.
So why do negative thoughts find their way into our thinking process? It happens when we are tired and when our bodies are not rested enough, when we mal-adapt in a situation (fight or flight) due to an overload of stress, when we are not eating healthy food, when indulging in too much alcohol or substance abuse, when we are in relationships that are not healthy or life giving. I’m sure you have your own list of negative thoughts.
Here is a check list on how to begin sewing new life giving seeds:
1) Come to the present moment by coming back to our senses what am I seeing? what am I
hearing? what am I feeling? what am I tasting? what am I smelling?
2) Be self referral – look at ourselves and mind our own business.
3) Go to bed at a reasonable hour – Ayurveda recommends 10pm – Rest and sleep are
important for normalizing and rebalancing the brain and body functioning.
4) Eat healthy foods – visit a nutritionist who can start you on a healthy eating program to
suit your physiology.
5) Never entertain negativity when speaking to someone or about someone - look for the
pearly whige teeth in the other person and in all you say and do.
Positive life giving thoughts come from letting go of old thought patterns, allows new confidence to flourish. We don’t hesitate or second guess ourselves, we just go.
With clearer, calmer minds we see new things coming in our direction quicker. The feel good hormones begin to flow in the body bringing a feeling of excitement, happiness and bliss. New energy begins to flow through the body when our senses are raised, we enjoy the fullness of life. By paying attention in the present moment and being fully open we adapt and respond smoothly without hesitation, we dive into the unknown confident that whatever is happening is for our highest good. Life giving seeds come from our creative intelligence, our Inner Being, from our twice daily meditation practice.